Europos Atvirojo mokslo debesis*

Europos Atvirojo mokslo debesis (EOSC) – tai europinis projektas, kurio tikslas – sukurti virtualią aplinką, kurioje būtų galima dalytis ir pasiekti įvairiausius akademinius produktus nepaisant šalių ir disciplinų ribų. EOSC portalas – tai vartai į šią aplinką, suteikiantys bendrą prieigą prie daugybės mokslinių tyrimų išteklių ir paslaugų.

EOSC buvo sukurtas su tikslu remti ES mokslą. EOSC ambicija – sukurti Europos mokslininkams, inovatoriams, įmonėms ir piliečiams federalizuotą (angl. federated) ir atvirą daugiadisciplininę aplinką, kurioje jie galėtų publikuoti, rasti ir pakartotinai naudoti įvairius duomenis, įrankius ir paslaugas vykdydami tyrimus, kurdami inovacijas ar įgyvendindami mokymus.

Ši aplinka turėtų veikti aiškiai apibrėžtomis sąlygomis, kad būtų užtikrintas pasitikėjimas ir viešasis interesas. EOSC turėtų sudaryti sąlygas akademinėms bendruomenėms ir mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūroms žengti reikšmingus žingsnius link

  • vieningos prieigos
  • FAIR valdymo
  • patikimo pakartotino mokslinių tyrimų duomenų ir kitų skaitmeninių objektų (pvz., metodų, programinės įrangos ar publikacijų), sukurtų tyrimų gyvavimo ciklo (angl. research life cycle) metu, panaudojimo

EOSC pagrindinis tikslas – sukurti FAIR duomenų ir paslaugų mokslui Europoje tinklą, kurį būtų galima papildyti įvairiausiomis kitomis paslaugomis: nuo vizualizacijų ir analitikos iki ilgalaikio informacijos saugojimo ar atvirojo mokslo praktikų plėtros stebėsenos.

Europos Sąjungos Taryba laiko EOSC bandomuoju projektu, kuris turi sustiprinti naująją Europos mokslinių tyrimų erdvę (ERA). Jis taip pat įvardijamas kaip mokslo, tyrimų ir inovacijų duomenų erdvė, kuri bus visiškai susieta su kitomis sektorinėmis duomenų erdvėmis, apibrėžtomis Europos duomenų strategijoje.

Pilnai veikiantis EOSC turi prisidėti prie mokslinių tyrimų produktyvumo, naujų įžvalgų formulavimo ir inovacijų kūrimo, taip pat didinti mokslo pakartojamumą bei visuomenės pasitikėjimą mokslu.

EOSC Europos horizonto programoje 2021–2027 m.

EU countries and countries associated with Horizon 2020, represented in the EOSC Governance Board, agreed unanimously to run the EOSC as a co-programmed European Partnership under Horizon Europe from 2021. Horizon Europe is the Commission’s research and innovation funding programme, succeeding Horizon 2020 from 2021. This is the best instrument to provide a framework for collaboration and the pooling of resources at European, national, regional and institutional levels. The proposal for a candidate EOSC partnership was published in June following a process of co-creating its vision including strategic and operational objectives to be achieved by 2027.

In July 2020, an EOSC Association was set up to provide a single voice for advocacy and represent the broader EOSC stakeholder community. This association became operational in 2021 and is rapidly expand its membership. The new governance model agreed with EU countries for the next EOSC implementation phase after 2020 is tripartite including:

  • The EU represented by the Commission
  • The European research community represented by the EOSC Association
  • EU countries and countries associated with Horizon Europe represented through a Steering Board set up in 2021 outside of the EOSC Association

Official information taken from the European Commission website

EOSC plėtra iki 2020 m.

In May 2015, the European Commission proposed creating a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) to the Competitiveness Council. The aim was to federate existing research data infrastructures in Europe and realise a web of FAIR data and related services for science, making research data interoperable and machine actionable following the FAIR guiding principles. In the initial phase of development until 2020, the Commission invested around €320 million to start prototyping the EOSC through project calls in Horizon 2020 – the Commission’s research and innovation funding programme.

In March 2018, the European Commission published the EOSC Implementation Roadmap detailing the main action lines of the first EOSC implementation phase until 2020. A multi-layered, interim governance structure was established from November 2018 to steer and oversee the implementation of the EOSC from 2019-2020. This interim governance was composed of

  • EOSC Governance Board: representatives from EU countries, countries associated with Horizon 2020 and the Commission to ensure effective supervision of the EOSC implementation.
  • EOSC Executive Board: representatives from the research and e-infrastructures communities.
  • EOSC Stakeholders: a wider range of actors, consulted through a series of stakeholder events and online consultations to collect input and recommendations.

Please find the final EOSC Executive Board Outputs.

The European Commission is providing financial support to implement the EOSC by means of projects under the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020). Seen below are the various calls for projects that have contributed, are contributing, or will contribute to the development of the European Open Science Cloud.

EOSC vystymo eiga

Čia toliau iš Here, you can learn more about the EOSC, its projects, and the partnerships that make it all possible. Our EOSC Projects section showcases the diverse range of initiatives that contribute to the EOSC, from infrastructure development to data management and curation. The EOSC Glossary is a handy reference guide that explains key terms and concepts related to the EOSC. We also value our partnerships, and believe that collaboration is crucial to the success of the EOSC. In our Partnerships section, you can find out more about the organisations and institutions that support the EOSC and help to shape its future. We hope that this About page will help you to understand the EOSC and its role in advancing open science across Europe and beyond.

EOSC Projects

The EOSC has funded various projects that contribute to building its infrastructure and to improving research practices. Here you can find the latest EOSC projects so you can visit their websites to know more about their objectives and the impact they have on advancing open science. e-IRGSP7 The project e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Support Programme 7 (e-IRGSP7) is intended to provide the vital core services to the e-Infrastructure… Visit the project website AI4EOSC The AI4EOSC (Artificial Intelligence for the European Open Science Cloud) delivers an enhanced set of advanced services for the development of Artificial… Visit the project website EOSC-RAISE RAISE The mission of RAISE is to provide the infrastructure for a distributed crowdsourced data processing system, moving from open data to open access data for… Visit the project website FAIR-EASE The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an ecosystem of research data and related services. Visit the project website


EOSC Enhance Connecting Thematic Communities to Advance Open Science EOSC Future EOSC Future Establishing a trusted platform with open and FAIR data, resources and services for all scientific disciplines EOSC DIH EOSC DIH Supporting companies in easily accessing the digital technologies and services offered by EOSC

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EOSC portalas*

The EOSC Portal is part of the EOSC implementation roadmap as one of the expected “federating core” services contributing to the implementation of the “Access and interface” action line. It has been conceived to provide a European delivery channel connecting the demand-side and the supply-side of the EOSC and all its stakeholders.

Content and structure

The EOSC Portal is a gateway to information and resources in EOSC, providing updates on its governance and players, the projects contributing to its realisation, funding opportunities for EOSC stakeholders, relevant European and national policies, important documents, and recent developments. The EOSC Portal Catalogue & Marketplace acts as an entry point to the multitude of services and resources for researchers. For prospective users of the services, the Portal provides training materials and tutorials on how to use its features. The Portal also offers information for potential service providers on how to onboard their services to the EOSC Portal Catalogue & Marketplace. The EOSC Portal also engages the EOSC community and stakeholders. The events and news sections cover relevant updates coming from the expanding EOSC ecosystem.

Overview of the EOSC Portal content

Why an EOSC Portal? A brief history

In early 2018, the European Commission (DG CONNECT and DG RTD) asked the eInfraCentral, EOSCpilot, EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance projects to start the implementation of the EOSC Portal in order to have it delivered in occasion of the EOSC launch event held in Vienna in November 2018. On that date, the EOSC Portal was officially launched. EFIS Centre owns the domain, while the EOSC Portal is hosted on Cyfronet servers. In 2019 the Portal has been updated and maintained with in-kind contributions by the eInfraCentral, EOSCpilot, EOSC-hub, and OpenAIRE-Advance projects. With the funding of the project (started in January 2019), the partner responsible for communications joined the EOSC Portal Editorial Board (the board in charge of updating the EOSC Portal content). On the 1st of December 2019, the EOSC Enhance project managed the EOSC Portal, running until the end of November 2021. Since the December 2021, the EOSC Future project took of the role of bringing forward the developments of the EOSC Portal, running until March 2024


All along the path towards the implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the open science community has grown increasingly familiar with EOSC branding and the message it conveys. The cloud and stars of the logo, as well as the fonts, colours, and all the other elements consistently used in official materials, such as videos and posters, have played an important role in the dissemination of the EOSC principles and the constant expansion of the EOSC community. The current EOSC branding guidelines approved in April 2020 by the EOSC Executive Board (EB) are valid until new ones are defined. Please find the full official EOSC branding guidelines at this link.

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Puslapis kuriamas.


2023 m. spalio mėnesį LiDA tapo „Europos atvirojo mokslo debesies“ (EOSC) paslaugų teikėju. EOSC portalo vartotojams yra pasiekiama informacija apie LiDA Dataverse talpyklos duomenų katalogus. Šiuo metu EOSC portale galima rasti LiDA apklausų katalogą.

DAtA centras

2023 m. spalio mėnesį KTU DAtA centras tapo „Europos atvirojo mokslo debesies“ (EOSC) paslaugų teikėju. EOSC portalo vartotojams yra pasiekiama informacija apie DAtA centro vykdomus metodologinius mokymus.

Kaip prisijungti prie EOSC?

Apie galimybes prisijungti prie EOSC ir registruoti bei viešinti savo paslaugas per EOSC portalą plačiau skaitykite čia.